Q&A: Intermediate: Color Work
I’m an intermediate photoshop user. How do some people edit photos and make the colors look so amazing? Anyone willing to share or guide me? - MAIKOU
Find images you like, open those images up side by side with the image your working on. Start by understanding what you see in the images you like. I look at shadows, midtones, and highlights. I looks to see what color casts and tones are in those sections of the image. Then on your file open adjustment layer “color balance” and go through each zone ,shadows ,midtones and highlights, shift colors in each section till its close with the inspiration image. Also play with your levels/curves which ever your comfortable. Sliders can help cause you can scrub till you find what works. You’ll start to notice that your shadows will change when you start changing the other areas vice versa. Also play with selective colors with your image. And if you want further tweaking start masking areas and do local adjustments
The quality of light like some have already mentioned is a factor as well. How the image was lit how it was photographed all contribute to the mood of the image as well as where the image naturally wants to go.
Copying is a great way of learning and being hands on in teaching your self how to achieve something.